But that is not today, my friends. Today my current Mountain time zone state has given me, and the rest of the people in this state, an early winter warning of sorts. It has dumped snow. Those of you who know me know that I consider any amount of snow unacceptable. I just don't care for it. The only white christmas I like is the movie. The only white powder I enjoy is the powdered sugar I use in orange cookie frosting. The only skiing I like to do is none. I could go on, but I think you get the idea.
I won't attempt to judge the harshness of this situation because I am clearly not objective. I'll just give you pictures, and you can decide whether you wish to shiver in empathy or fume in minor jealousy.

As you can see, even the trees were caught off guard. They still have most of their leaves and had only just begun to turn colors for fall.
The peacocks were trying to make the most of it. Most of them were up and out of the way of the snow, and when they had to walk, they stuck to the snow free areas.

If you aren't being hit with the same sort of snowy weather as I am, I urge you to enjoy the crap out of it. And when you do, think of me for just a moment.
This is unrelated to the snow but related to the move. I thought you might find it funny that just prior to moving from my previous state of residence my workstation/entertainment center was reduced to this:

Truthfully, it probably could be reduced even more. Certainly it could be made to look cleaner. One of these days I might strive to go back to something like that for my full time setup. Its efficiency and simplicity are appealing.
Yes. It's a little known fact that peacocks are indigenous to the Rocky Mountain region. ;)
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